
Current Status

97 Realmer Points

How to Earn? (or Lose)


Realmer Points

18 Realmer Point Awards

  • 5 Points for register to website
  • 2 Points for comment on a post (limited to 1 per day)
  • 1 Point for daily visit the website
  • 3 Points for create a new topic (limited to 1 per day)
  • 1 Point for reply to a topic (limited to 1 per day)
  • 3 Points for activated account
  • 1 Point for publish an activity post (limited to 1 per day)
  • 1 Point for reply to an activity post (limited to 1 per day)
  • 1 Point for accept a friendship request (limited to 1 per day)
  • 1 Point for publish an activity post in a group (limited to 1 per day)
  • 1 Point for reply a comment in a group (limited to 1 per day)
  • 3 Points for create a group (limited to 1 per week)
  • 2 Points for join a group (limited to 1 per week)
  • 5 Points for get promoted as moderator/administrator of a group (limited to 1 per month)
  • 2 Points for promote another member to moderator/administrator of a group (limited to 1 per month)
  • 2 Points for change profile avatar (limited to 1 per month)
  • 3 Points for change cover image (limited to 1 per month)
  • 2 Points for update profile information (limited to 1 per month)

1 Realmer Point Deduction

  • -10 Points for get a comment marked as spam

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